You won’t believe this but everything about you is built into your DNA. Believe or not, you were designed for a specific purpose. And that purpose was embedded into you by your Creator. Once this purpose is discovered, all fears, doubts, and anxiety disappear.
This purpose must be discovered only by you. It cannot be copied or taught by others. The moment you discover this purpose, everything falls into place, just like a jigsaw puzzle.
There comes a point in many people’s lives when they may feel lost and confused. For me, that point hit in my mid-twenties. I was working a 9 to 5 job I felt disconnected to, hopping from one job to another, and moving through life without a sense of a larger purpose. All my money went into alcohol and cigarettes and I also got hooked into marijuana. I was trapped in a vicious cycle of ‘instant gratification’ and I never cared about tomorrow.
When I realized how unhappy I was in my relationships and my circumstances, I decided it was time for something to change. I was seeking answers from the outside world instead of looking for answers within myself. At 24 years old, I chose to walk a spiritual path. I did this by turning to my Creator for a solution. I read many books including the Bible and studied several viewpoints that allowed me to instil and develop the concepts that began to shape my mission in life – to help other people live happier, more fulfilling lives. Because I worked consciously on unearthing my purpose, the rest of the pieces began to fall into place. Once I started to understand the impact that my mind had on my world, I was able to take purposeful steps to change my life.
My journey led me to the discovery that every human being is created with a specific purpose and that no human being was born by accident.
As I did this, I also discovered many qualities about myself I didn’t know existed. The more I discovered myself, the more I discovered how I could help other people to live a happier, more fulfilled life. As I walked this journey things became clearer and life began to make sense.
This journey has not been easy, though. It takes hard work, commitment, and courage.
Fortunately, you don’t have to go through your own journey or learn everything from scratch.
I’d like to share some 7 steps to help you travel your own self-transformation journey.
1. Know the outcome
To get what you want, you must first know exactly what the final outcome will be. Become very clear about the outcome you want to see. You won’t get there if you don’t understand exactly what you want.
Sit down and define your current problems or flaws, and decide what they will be like once you’ve transformed them. Don’t just think about it, either. Make it concrete. Write it down.
Add a list of reasons why you want to make these changes. Write down all the great things that will happen once your transformation is complete. This will motivate you when you’re tempted to fall back into your old habits.
2. Take baby steps
Change doesn’t happen overnight. Change is a gradual process, and most big changes are made by taking small steps every day over a long period of time.
Personal transformation takes time, and it’s not linear. Sometimes you take three steps forward then two steps back. Other times, you’ll make huge leaps in just a day or two.
Prepare yourself for this reality, and don’t give up because change doesn’t happen quick enough, or it feels like you’re not making progress.
3. Learn from others
Change always involves learning new things, but you can create your own shortcut.
Instead of starting from scratch, learn from the journeys and mistakes of others who have already taken the path you’re embarking on. It can cut your learning phase in half!
Do some research and read personal stories, tips, and tricks of people who have created their own personal transformations. Avoid the mistakes they made, and adopt the habits that helped them achieve their goals.
At the very least, these stories will inspire you to keep going, day after day. They will let you know that what you’re doing and where you’re going is not only possible but that it’s possible for you.
4. Own The Process
Be responsible for your transformation. Motivate yourself. See yourself a changed person.
There’s a popular clichĂ© that says “Fake it till you make it”, and there’s validity to that statement.
When you act as if an outcome has already occurred, it is much more likely to happen. Your brain can’t distinguish between what you visualize and what’s actually out there in the real world.
Studies conducted at Harvard University showed that people who simply imagined practicing the piano every day physically strengthened the muscles in their fingers. Other studies also found that your brain does not distinguish between imagination and reality.
Adopt the identity of yourself as someone who has already made the changes you aspire to, and your actions will be those of someone who already made the successful transformation. This, in turn, leads to results in the real world that simply confirm your new reality.
5. Be willing to be uncomfortable
Change is uncomfortable. Realize that fact, accept it, and embrace it.
People tend to cling to stability and comfort, but your personal transformation requires you to step into new environments, meet new people, and do things that you’re not used to. And that is scary.
Physiologically, fear and excitement are nearly identical. Your heart races, you sweat, you shake, you cry. You naturally want to quit or run away.
When you start to feel fear, re-frame it and tell yourself that you’re just excited. Embrace the feeling, and work through it. Don’t let it stop you.
6. Be your own cheerleader
When you change, the people around you will react. Some will support you, and some will work actively to resist you.
Build up your inner strength and realize that you don’t need anyone’s approval. If they give it to you, that’s a gift. But if they don’t, you know what you’re doing and why, and you only need yourself as a cheerleader.
Most of the greatest thinkers and doers in history were ridiculed and chastised when they created change. When you better yourself, you should expect the same. That’s just proof that you’re on the right path.
7. Transform Yourself Spiritually
Most life transformation programs tend to focus on the body and mind. This type of transformation tends to take the outward approach. A complete life transformation must involve the body, mind, and spirit.
Spirituality is a deeper way of understanding yourself better and choosing the right path for your life. It’s a way to look at your inner self. Spirituality builds the necessary self-discipline to walk the transformation journey, without which you may give up in mid-stride.
People that are spiritually intelligent have developed intuition and deeper understanding of themselves, the world, people, and events through faith. Living in the simplicity of the heart, they are also able to overcome selfishness through their own inner spontaneity and are capable of observing things beyond the usual prejudices and ideologies that govern our everyday life.
This is not about any supernatural or parapsychological thing. And certainly, it has nothing to do with religion. It is about faith and spirit, about simply transcending what limits us primarily to our minds and hearts. Spiritual intelligence is the intuition that comes from the purity of the heart and the depth of faith, gives us a peaceful spirit and mind and the ability to understand ourselves at a deeper level.
People who embrace spirituality find it easier and tend to be more committed to the transformation of their lives. As a result, they also tend to achieve results far quicker than people who have no spiritual enlightenment.
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